The Toxicology Ward

Our clinical unit (locally referred to as Base 6 due to its position within the Acute Medical Unit in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh) is the only dedicated clinical toxicology unit in Scotland. Our clinical service treats over 1700 in-patients every year and is involved in the care of many other patients in the hospital's emergency department and critical care units. The unit is staffed by four consultant clinical toxicologists and one emergency medicine consultant with an interest in toxicology; two consultant clinical pharmacologists provide additional cover over weekends. Two specialist toxicology nurses lead a group of nurses with a special interest in the field. We work very closely with our liaison psychiatry service who are co-located on the ward and share in the care of all patients with a diagnosis of self-harm.

Those seeking to contact the ward can do so via the Royal Infirmary switchboard 0131 536 1000.